2020.12-至今:云顶集团官网登录入口 yd2333云顶电子游戏;讲师
2015.03-2020.12:东南大学 交通学院 岩土工程专业;工学博士研究生
2017.12-2018.12:法国路桥大学 CERMES试验室;联合培养博士研究生
2012.09-2015.03:东南大学 交通学院 岩土工程专业;工学硕士研究生
2008.09-2012.06:安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院 勘察技术与工程专业;工学学士
[1] 特殊土基本工程特性与地基处理
[2] 黄土地质灾害调查以及防灾减灾
[3] 黄土地区路面塌陷灾害以及探测
[4] 隧道排水系统堵塞以及处治措施
[5] 工业固体废弃物再生处治与利用
[2] 云顶集团官网登录入口新引进博士科研启动经费;2021.01-2025.12. 主持
[3] 西安地调中心项目-伊犁谷地黄土工程性质测试与对比分析:2021.04-2021.12. 技术负责人
[1]Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Weimin Ye, Chengfu Chu. Liquid limit of marine soft clay encountering desalination percolation process. Catena. 2022: 106036.
[2] Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Yufeng Gao; Yonggui Chen; Fusheng Zha. Leaching process effect on the compression/swelling behaviour of Lianyungang marine soft clay. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2021, 80: 8099-8107.
[3] Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Yujun Cui, Chengfu Chu, Qi Feng. Geological investigation of the settlement behavior of two highways in Lianyungang region. Engineering Geology. 2020, 272: 105648.
[4] Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Cui Yujun, Chen Yonggui, Wang Qiong, Feng Qi. Investigation on the secondary consolidation behavior of artificial sand-clay mixtures. Soils and Foundations. 2019. 59(2): 326-336.
[5] Zilong Wu, Yujun Cui*, Antoine-Guimond Barrett, Mellado Moreno-Miguel, Yongfeng, Deng. Role of geological and soil pore water conditions in calcite precipitation in tunnel drainage system. Transportation Geotechnics. 2019, 21: 102257.
[6] Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Cui Yujun, Zhou Annan, Feng Qi, Xue Haochen. Experimental study on the creep behavior of reconstituted soft clays. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2019. 19(3): 1-10.
[7] Chengfu Chu, Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Yonggui Chen, Qiong Wang. Intrinsic compression behavior of remolded sand-clay mixture. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2017. 54: 926-932.
[8] Yongfeng Deng*, Zilong Wu, Yujun Cui, Songyu Liu, Qiong Wang. Sand fraction effect on hydro-mechanical behavior of sand-clay mixture. Applied Clay Science. 2017, 135: 355-361.
[9] Zilong Wu, Yongfeng Deng*, Songyu Liu, Qianwen Liu, Yonggui Chen, Fusheng Zha. Strength and micro-structure evolution of compacted soils modified by admixtures of cement and metakaolin. Applied Clay Science. 2016, 127-128: 44-51.
[10] 吴子龙,朱向阳,邓永锋*,刘华山,查甫生. 掺入钢渣与偏高领土水泥改性土的性能与微观机制. 中国公路学报. 2017, 30(9): 18-26.
[11] 吴子龙,朱向阳,邓永锋*,刘华山. 砂-黏土混合物的压缩形状及其粗颗粒骨架形成机制. 土木工程学报. 2016, 49(2): 121-128.
[12] 邓永锋*,吴子龙,刘松玉,岳喜兵,朱雷雷,陈江华,关云飞. 地聚合物对水泥固化土强度的影响及其机理分析. 岩土工程学报. 2016, 38(3): 446-453.
[13] 吴子龙,朱向阳,刘华山,邓永锋*. 纯黏土与砂-黏土混合物渗透特性差异及机理分析. 东南大学学报. 2015, 45(2): 376-381.
[14] 邓永锋,朱向阳,吴子龙等. 连云港赣榆港区吹填土工程特性与地基加固实践[M]. 人民交通出版社. 2019.
[15] 吴子龙,邓永锋,刘松玉,刘华山,郑晓培. 一种透水性水泥土的制备方法. 发明专利.
[1] 沿海复杂成因软土路基加固机理及工程实践. 科学技术奖二等奖. 2020年度. 中国公路学会. 8/10
[2] 中国公路学报优秀论文三等奖. 2019年度
[3] 博士研究生国家奖学金. 2018年度
[4] 东南大学优秀硕士论文. 2015年度